Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jesus or Moses: who do you think would win in a fight?

Let's consider the the "facts" (a.k.a. miracles they performed).

Jesus turned water into wine.
Moses turned the whole Nile and all of Egypt's water sources into blood.

Jesus walked on water.
Moses divided the water when he led the Israelites across the Red sea.

Jesus calmed a storm.
Moses struck all of Egypt with a destructive storm of hail and fire.

Jesus multiplied bread and fish to feed thousands of people.
Moses provided the Israelites a constant supply of manna during their travels in the desert until they reached Canaan.

Jesus cured diseases like leprosy and other permanent disabilities.
Moses caused an epidemic disease which killed Egyptian livestocks and festered boils affecting both men and livestock.

Jesus brought the dead back to life.
Moses carried on the death of the firstborns.

What do you think?

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